Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Geek Quiz

The geek quiz-

 1 Name the Fellowship of the Ring.

2 Where did Notch get the idea for creepers?

3 What is the 11th doctor's favorite food?

4 What iconic species does Scotty have on his desk in the 2009 star trek movie?

 5 Who says "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you."?

6 What is Han's response to Princess Leia telling him she loves him?

7 In Harry Potter, what set of twins spanned two Houses?

8 What group of people did Sheldon name his cats for? (except for Zazzles!)

 9 What is the name of the planet Paul Atredies grew up on?

10 What does Sherlock wear when he visits the Palace?

11 Who rescues Gandalf from Isengard?

12 Name the planet where the Jedi council meets

13 name all the main character/captains of the various Star Trek series's

14 what do you get when you milk a Mooshroom with a wooden bowl?

15 In Firefly, what is Canton's main industry?

16 What does Hagrid make for Harry on his 11th birthday?

17 What alien species does Rory spend 2000 years as?

18 In the Big Bang Theory, where does Penny work?

 19 When you eat Spice what does it do to your eyes?

20 In Sherlock who attends the Christmas party?


21 if you could create a fifth house at Hogwarts what would the animal be?


The Schauerhamers said...

1. LEgolas, Gimley, Frodo, Sam, Merry, PIppen, Aragon, and the other human I can't remember.
6. "I know"
7. the Patils?
10. Nothing, or a blanket from his bed.
11. isn't it a moth? then an eagle?
12. Coruscant
16. a cake made the cake, frosting and the letters
20. Sherlock, the girl from the morgue, the landlady, the cop? and watson.
Bonus: Definitely a horse :) and according to leah the house would be named, Princess Celestia.

Anne Adele said...

So funny. I'm laughing at Leah's horsie name. We're going to wait a few more days to see if anyone else participates, and then we will post the answers. Rachel and I had a fun time putting this quiz together. We tried to make one easy question and one difficult question from the ten plotlines.

Jennifer said...

I only knew 3
7. the Patil girls
16. birthday cake
18Cheesecake Factory

liz and dennis said...

I only know a few of these (none of the Harry potter ones) and Jenny and morgan answered most of the ones I know. I do also know that (9) Paul atredies grew up on caladan and (19) eating spice makes your eyes turn bright blue. Sorry, only a partial geek, I guess.

liz and dennis said...

I also wonder if #4 is a trible?

Alan and Shelley said...

So sad, I am not a geek. Couldn't even come close to knowing one of the answers. Well, maybe one. I think Hagrid made Harry some sort of cake. I think all of the Hogswart houses were some kind of mythical creature, except for Slytherin, so I would go with a Jabberwocky. There, I'm proving I used to be a geek, but sadly the person who could have helped me out on this quiz is at USU. Being geeky, I'll bet.