Saturday, September 13, 2008

Buckingham Fountain

I should have explained about this pictures when I first started the blog. It is a picture of the Buckingham Fountain. It is an iconic Chicago landmark. It was donated to the city by the very wealthy Buckingham family. It stands at the bottom of Millenium Park and has been there for the longest time. When only the center jet is on the water can shoot so high that you have to tip your head way back to see the top of the water. Yes, that building in the background is the Sear's Tower, another slightly more famous landmark. Would you believe that I have never been to The Sear's Tower. Everyone in my family has, but I haven't. I just haven't gotten around to it.


sara said...

I would like to see Chicago sometime. Maybe I will have to come for a visit.

Stacy said...

My cousin was just in Chicago and had pictures of all these famous things and the fountain was one of them. She also had a picture of a fountain with water spraying out of someone's mouth. There are alot of neat things to see there. I want to come that way sometime soon.